Site 1, Unit 3: Burial 6

Site 1

Group 2

Unit 3


Site 1, Unit 3: Layer 3:2

Burial 6 was, upon discovery, labelled 3:2 Feature 1 (renamed as Burial 6 after confirmation of human remains). This feature, an area of darker soil(2.5YR 3/4), was located along the western baulk and was irregular in shape. A large limestone stone was found in the the middle of the feature (c. 18 cm x 10 cm). Excavating 3:2 Feature 1 revealed another limestone block (c. 20 cm x 12 cm) below the one discovered in the previous spit. The feature was considerably disturbed by an insect nest. Fragments of human teeth and bone were found beneath the second stone and the feature was renamed Burial 6. Three ceram- ic sherds were also recovered (cat. 322) from this context, just under the limestone. A small chunk of sandstone was also found within the burial feature. Other ceramic sherds were found as it was excavated (cat. 326) and some charcoal samples (cat. 323).
