Site 52, Unit 4: Layer 1:2

Site 52

Group 3

Unit 4

Layer 1:2



With the removal of 1:1 it was apparent that there was a linear arrangement of cobbles running diagonally out of the west baulk into the south baulk – a large tree root also ran through this area. Ten further ceramic sherds (cat. 406) were found near the west baulk in the area under 1:1 Feature 6. In excavating the second spit in Unit 4, 1:2, further ceramic sherds (cat. 407) were encountered including seven quartz-tempered sherds, some with resin coating from the northwest corner of the unit. Seven similar sherds (cat. 408) were found in the northeast corner of the unit near the broken jar 52/3/022.

In Unit 4 the stones that ran in a line out of the West baulk were removed (the line of stones under the discs labelled as 1:1 F5 and F6). During the excavation of 1:2, the stone feature called 1:1 Feature 3 was removed. The stone had fractured into several pieces and the top portion was easily removed. Several more features were apparent with the removal of 1:2. These included 1:2 Feature 1, two small sandstone boulders in the center of the unit south of 1:1 Feature 3 and 1:2 Features 3, 4 and 5 also sandstone blocks near the south baulk in the centre of the unit. 1:2 Feature 2 was a collection of stones along the east baulk.
