Chief Investigators
Louise Shewan
School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
School of Historical and Philosophical Studies
University of Melbourne
Thonglith Luangkhoth
Department of Heritage, Lao PDR
Siân Halcrow
Department of Anatomy
University of Otago
Kate Domett
College of Medicine and Dentistry
James Cook University
Nigel Chang
College of Arts, Society & Education
James Cook University
Richard Armstrong
Research School of Earth Sciences
Australian National University
Viengkeo Souksavatdy
Department of Heritage, Lao PDR
Mailo Khamphouvong
Department of Heritage, Lao PDR
Amphai Butphachit
Department of Heritage, Lao PDR
Lorm Thongsavat
Department of Heritage, Lao PDR
Khamluen Aphaiyavong
Department of Heritage, Lao PDR
Somoh Duangthongchit
Department of Heritage, Lao PDR
Viengsamai Thammavong
Bounyord Boundylat
Department of Heritage, Lao PDR
Vanxay Aounsyda
Bounlerd Phommachan
Souliya Bounxaythip
Department of Heritage, Lao PDR
Julie Van Den Bergh
Lamma Island, Hong Kong
Jamie Speer
Senior Geophysicist
GBG Australia
Marion Ravenscroft
Lao National Museum
John Webb
Department of Ecology, Environment and Evolution
La Trobe University
Rita Hardiman
Melbourne Dental School
University of Melbourne
Martin Tomko
Infrastructural Engineering
University of Melbourne
Jonathan Kemp
Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation
University of Melbourne
Nancy Beavan
Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd, New Zealand
Mitchell Harrop
School of Historical and Philosophical Studies
University of Melbourne
Kellie Youngs
School of Historical and Philosophical Studies
University of Melbourne
Matthew Cupper
School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
University of Melbourne
Jan-Hendrick May
School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
University of Melbourne
David Barnes
Inertial Frames
Andrew Ball
Australian National University
Natasha Heap
James Cook University
Ms. Anna Maliya
National University of Laos
Mr. Vannakone Kabkaysone
National University of Laos
Nicholas Skopal
Australian National University
Ms. Sounidsa Sanvilay
National University of Laos
Ms. Nattaliya Xayabouth
National University of Laos
Mr. Phoutthasone Khamsing
National University of Laos
Gina Palefsky
University of California, Merced
Ms. Anongluck Phoutthavong
National University of Laos
Ms. Vilayhak Chaleunlangsy
National University of Laos
Thanks also to the students from Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan and Polish volunteers.