Site 2, Unit 1: Layer 1:3

Site 2

Group W

Unit 1

Layer 1:3


Feb. 21, 1019

The matrix remained a reddish brown colour (2.5YR 4/4) in 1:3. The surface of 1:3 contained no visible features aside from the stones in the northeast corner of the unit which were beneath Disc 006 (1:3 F1). An iron fragment (cat. 47) was found near Disc 006 and another (cat. 48) was retrieved from the sieve. Sixty-three cm to the south of these a small concentration of ceramics was uncovered (cat. 39). 1.2 m to the west of this, beneath 1:1 Feature 1, a scatter of charcoal (cat.s 43, 44) was uncovered as well as a ceramic sherd (cat. 45) and a piece of smoothed sandstone, possibly a whetstone fragment (cat. 46). Three argillite adzes were discovered near the bottom of this spit nearly at the surface of 1:4 (1121.75 m asl). One (cat. 50) was found in the eastern portion of the unit with another about 50 cm west of it (cat. 51) and the third (cat. 52), which appears to be an adze rough out, near the middle of the south baulk. A chunk of argillite (cat. 53) was found at the same depth behind Jar 0021 in the SW corner and another from the screen (cat. 56). On the east side of this jar a carnelian bead (cat. 49) was found near the surface of 1:4. Some ceramic sherds (cat. 57) were found in the eastern part of the unit and southwest of Jar 0022 two small scatters of ceramic were encountered near the surface of 1:4 (cat.s 54, 55). In the southeast corner of the unit at 1:3 a fragment of worked sandstone (cat. 40) was uncovered. Two charcoal samples were collected, one (cat. 58) from the area northwest of Jar 0022 and another (cat. 59) from beneath the argillite adze (cat. 51). Ninety-eight pieces of sandstone were recovered in 1:3 totalling 9 kg.

