Site 2, Unit 1: Layer 1:4

Site 2

Group W

Unit 1

Layer 1:4


Feb. 22, 2019

On the surface of 1:4 there were several patches of soil that were redder (10R 5/4 weak red) in colour than the rest of the matrix which remained reddish brown in colour (2.5YR 4/4). The feature under the Disc 006, labelled 1:1 Feature 1 was excavated and the limestone blocks removed but no finds were made. Beside the stones, a circular reddish feature was found (1:4 Feature 1) which was dark reddish brown (2.5YR3/4) and c. 20 cm in diameter. A larger circular feature, weak red in colour and measuring c. 38 cm in diameter was identified to the west of 1:4 F2. A smaller circular feature, c. 20 cm in diameter of the same colour as Feature 2 was identified immediately southeast and labelled as 1:4 Feature 4. To the northwest of Jar 0022, a large piece of charcoal was found (cat. 58) and another piece 3 cm west of it (cat. 64). In the northwest corner of the unit some red (10R 5/4 weak red) soft, weathered rocks were uncovered. Along the south baulk were some lumps of sandstone. A sherd from the spit was found in the screen (cat. 65). The area under Disc 006 revealed nothing aside from a circular, dark reddish brown (2.5YR 3/4), clay feature, labelled 1:4 Feature 1. Located about 1m west of this was 1:4 Feature 2; a circular, weak red (10R 4/4) stain, 25 cm in diameter, which was devoid of artefacts. Upon excavation this was revealed to be 15 cm deep. Several pieces of sandstone were also exposed on the surface of 1:4. In the northwest corner of the unit 1:4 Feature 5 was revealed to be a collection of mudstone, some quartz flakes (cat. 63), a piece of argillite (cat. 62), charcoal (cat. 60 & 73), a few pot sherds (cat. 66). It was apparent upon excavation that 1:4 F5 was a rock filled pit. The boulders comprised relatively soft mudstone which fractured easily when struck with the mattock.


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