Site 2, Unit 1: Layer 1:5

Site 2

Group W

Unit 1

Layer 1:5


Feb. 23, 2019

On the surface of 1:5 along the north baulk, a small circular arrangement of stones was uncovered associated with some flakes of quartz and a malachite lump (cat. 79) and labelled as 1:5 Feature 1. Excavating 10 cm down in this feature revealed a flat, 8 cm, piece of greenish coloured (similar to oxidized copper) stone, possibly malachite (cat. 81). The stone was about 2 cm thick. More quartz was found to the west of this on either side of a large piece of mud stone and mud stone fragments. This was labelled as 1:5 Feature 2 which was only 10 cm in depth with no finds associated with it.

A third feature, 1:5 Feature 3, was identified as a significant scatter of ceramic sherds at varying depths near the middle of the south baulk, stretching over 2 m from west to east in an irregular shape c. 40-50 cm wide. There was no discernible difference, however, in the soil color which was reddish brown (2.5 YR 4/4) as it was in the rest of the unit. There were sherds from multiple (n=5) ceramic vessels in this feature, all an orange color, some highly fired, fine paste vessels. One of the vessels had detailed decoration including chevron patterns and punctate designs and combed patterns. The ceramic sherds removed from this feature include cat.s 74-76, 80, 84, 95, 99, 100 and 101. Other objects found in this feature include a piece of sandstone (cat. 83), an opaque glass bead resembling terracotta (cat. 86), a bronze bell fragment (cat. 91), green glass bead fragments (cat. 96), a quartz fragment (cat. 97) and a piece of worked sandstone (cat. 98). Three pieces of charcoal were also removed from this feature (cat.s 82, 85 and 92). The area where 1:5 F3 was located corresponds with the location of the anomaly identified by the ground-penetrating radar survey undertaken in 2017. This feature was c. 54 cm in depth, first appearing at 1121.63 m asl and terminating at 1121.09 m asl. The bottom of the pit in which the ceramic sherds were found is undulating, low to the east then higher in the middle and low again and sherds were found at varying depths within the pit. A piece of iron (cat. 77), c. 10 cm long, was found at 1121.69 m asl to the northwest of 1:5 F3. Near the east baulk an argillite whetstone (cat. 72) was found at 1121.72 m asl. A small scatter of ceramic sherds (cat. 71) were found at 1121.57 m asl to the east of Jar 0022. An orange ceramic sherd (cat. 78) similar to those found in 1:5 F3 was found outside the feature at this same depth.


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