Site 2, Unit 2: Layer 1:2

Site 2

Group W

Unit 2

Layer 1:2



The surface of 1:2 in Unit 2 comprised several chunks of sandstone running east to west across the unit, beginning in the area where Disc 005 had been located into the east baulk. Beneath Disc 005 some large fragments of sandstone were apparent. Scatters of ceramic were apparent close to 1:3, several sherds (cat. 113) were found beneath Disc 005 associated with an argillite adze (cat. 109) and a piece of charcoal (cat. 110). A small piece of clear quartz crystal (cat. 108) and ceramic sherds (cat.s 114, 116) and an argillite adze fragment (cat. 115) were retrieved from the sieve from 1:2 soil. Nine pieces of sandstone weighing 600 gm were recovered in 1:2 as well as 40 pieces of argillite weighing 200 gm.
