Site 52, Unit 5, Layer 1:2, Feature 3

Site 52

Group 2

Unit 5


Layer 1:2

The ceramic scatter associated with the limestone slab (1:1 Feature 1) was labelled as 1:2 Feature 3 (equating to cat. 503 [2 sherds], cat. 508 [7 sherds], cat. 510 [two chips of sand- stone], cat. 511 [13 sherds], cat. 512 [6 sherds], cat. 515 [human molar-enamel only], cat. 518 [1 orange glass bead], cat. 521 [a quartz flake] and cat. 519 [21 sherds] and cat. 513 [half a spindle whorl]. In total 49 sherds of quartz-tempered ceramic was recovered from the fea- ture, some of which bore evidence for a resin coating. The continued excavation of this feature revealed that the artefacts were placed to the south of a large lime- stone slab that sat at a 45 degree angle in the matrix. Also found around this feature were 15 chips of sand- stone c. 7-10 cm in size each. Given the presence of hu- man remains in this feature it was labeled as Burial 1. The presence of a glass bead, ceramics (some larg- er fragments indicate that this was a globular ves- sel with a prominent neck and a resin coating) and a human molar would suggest that this repre- sents a human interment, the only solid evidence of mortuary activity at Site 52 discovered. The ma- trix was heavy clay, dusky red colour (10R 3/4).
