Site 2, Unit 2: Layer 1:1

Site 2

Group W

Unit 2

Layer 1:1


March 3, 2019

Disc 005 and Jar 0018 (jar base) were displaced from the excavation area and 1:1 excavated. The matrix was compacted sandy silt and reddish brown in colour (2.5YR 4/4) through all excavated spits. It is possible that this disc and the matrix below it had been investigated by Colani but no indication of excavation was apparent. Under the base of Jar 0018 a charcoal sample was taken (cat. 105). Some mudstone and sandstone pieces directly under the base of the jar were exposed when the base was removed and these appear to have been placed to prop the jar up or level it out after it was originally placed. Seven pieces of quartz were collected from 1:1 comprising 200 gm of material.
