Site 2, Unit 3: Layer 1:2

Site 2

Group W

Unit 3

Layer 1:2



The removal of 1:1 revealed that the stones in 1:1 F1 were large, one c. 40 x 40 cm and another 40 x 20 cm, the latter of which appears to be the broken part of a disc. This fragment of disc could not, however, be matched to any of the existing discs at the site. The soil colour remains constant in 1:2. Further sandstone chunks were also found in the vicinity of 1:1 F2 on the eastern baulk but these were smaller in size than those in F1. The only artefacts recovered in 1:2 were orange coloured earthenware ceramic sherds from the sieve (cat. 306). These sherds were notably similar to those found in Unit 1 in 1:5 F3.
